So this is about a day late but whatever. Jill and I have been noticing that in our bedroom that we keep feeling dirt on our feet. For the first few days we chalked it up to the fact that was have never had wood flooring and maybe it just needed more tending to then carpet in terms of sweeping, vacuuming. Then one evening before bed Jill noticed that there were these little dirt piles...I figured maybe the dog dragged in some had been raining. Upon further inspection, The mud clumps had air pockets, or burrow holes or what ever you want to call i crumbled it and out crawls a termite. They were pretty much all inside this one board. Holes everywhere in the board and actually they were compromising the board. None the less I grabbed my flashlight and started poking around. I think the whole family was in there :). So I called the termite people that have the bond on the house...they should have caught this during the inspection they did early march...they didnt though. He came out yesterday and treated the board and retreated outside. But I was flabbergasted the board was ruined...and then just before he left he said..."Sorry I missed that, I will be back in 2 weeks to fix that board." So all is good :). I was freaking though...
On a side note Jill and I also got a new dentist. Mountain Brook Smiles. The dentist there I think his name is Wes Samford...dont shoot me if i screwed it up...but it is wes, but he is really awesome. None the less I would say that it was one of the most pleasant dentist trips that I have ever experienced. Now granted my only experience with dental work is through the military...I am sure that they,the military, are a bit more brutal and could really care less about patient comfort. This place on the other hand was very clean, very accommodating, and they were quick to fill you in, no pun intended, if you had a question. One of the things that was very awesome to me was that I had requested an apparatus for my teeth. It is supposed to keep you from grinding your teeth at night. I was curious about the price, but I was already getting a cast of my teeth made so I didnt really worry about it. They made sure before they did anything though that I was aware of the price and if my insurance would cover anything. On this matter they didnt cover it so I passed on it for right now until I get a chance to chat it over with Jill...its like 600 bucks.
So yeah...thats the update.
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