Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Alex Lambert

@TrueAlexLambert posted some crazy stuff on twitter last night. This kid is REALLY talented. He honestly has one of the BEST National Anthem Renditions I have ever heard in my entire life. And you can ask my wife I always listen to how an artist sings the National Anthem. Everytime I hear this kid sing, the rawness that he brings is amazing. I honestly didn't pay him much attention when he was on American Idol because I wasn't a fan of his look, and he seemed like he was very scared and intimidated. None the less saw him for the first time again on If I Can Dream on Hulu and the kid was amazing. The show almost focused on him which I was ok with :).

None the less I want to do my part to help this guy out. I dont have a grip of followers, or even people that read this blog, but none the less I want to help where i can :). Follow him on twitter, and get this guy 100,000+ followers. In the words of my Mother-in-Law "He deserves it."

Additionally Alex, if you stumble across this lonely little blog, I want to just say DO WORK :). While you would love to give your music away for free, you have to make money first. I would also like to apologize for giving you shit about retweeting your Mr. Twitter stuff.

That is all.


  1. What the hell am I doin here? Idk how I got here but might as well comment. I've listened to both Lamberts renditions of the N A; Adam's is nice. I'd rather be seem in public listening to his b'cos every time I hear Alex Lambert's version I get very emotional; yep, it actually makes the old man cry.
    alex has a very devoted fan base; we just don't make a lot of noise. Go to alex-lambert.com & ask an admin to see some mind blowing stats. she'll be happy to share them.

  2. Well G, how ever you managed to find your way to my little piece of the web, thanks for stopping by :). None the less I agree the kid is absolutely fascinating and one can only hope that his fan base gets his name out there. I can't do much but I do what I can when someone seems really genuine, and seems real...which alex is all of.
