Sunday, January 09, 2011

Took the dogs to the park

Originally uploaded by ruffyen.
So in an attempt to get some more practice with the new camera I decided to take the dogs out to a school near my house and let the dogs run free while I took some pictures. Overall I was very impressed with the pictures that I am getting even at this stage of learning. While most of the pictures are not perfect, they are very impressive to me and my wife's amateur eyes heh. Click through on the picture to see a few more that were taken of that day.

All the photos are taken with a Canon Rebel XS with a 50mm f/1.8 lens. The camera settings were all over the place as I was just testing out some of the settings and playing with some of the stuff that I have learned while scouring the net.

All editing of these files was done in the same fashion. Nothing too fancy, I just import the files into GIMP and do any blemish and major color edits then save them to a location where Picasa can get a hold of them and and make the final adjustments. One thing that I am learning...I have a LOT to learn about photography and photo editing. Editing the RAW image is nice but there is a LOT of stuff you have to do with them to make them look presentable.


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